Monday, October 30, 2006


For over a week now I have been laid up with a pretty bad ankle sprain. It happened while I was playing basketball last Sunday with my friend Cortez. We were just shooting around, I was still in my low-top (no ankle support) boots and went up for a reverse lay up and came down on my ankle which bent sideways all the way to the ground. I heard/ felt a pop and fell to the ground. I immediately thought it could be broken but it seems to just be a severe ankle sprain. I was in so much pain that we decided to go into a clinic to get it looked at even though I have no health insurance. We were expecting to pay over $300 for the x ray and visit but the doctor had mercy and charged us only $67 dollars for everything including the X ray. I was blown away! Over my 5 plus years working in hospitals I saw first hand the cutthroat, profit driven healthcare industry. I have a renewed hope that another world is possible through love. Now if only my ankle would heel so I can get off these crutches.

(P.S. sorry about the nasty ankle photos and yes I am a baby)


Matt Basinger said...

This doesn't even look like a human body part from the first picture!!!! OUCH!!!


Anonymous said...

(laughing) Well, it ain't human, it's Johnny! Seriously, JB, that is one bad sprain. I've never had one even nearly as severe and have seen very few that were. All I can say is that I'm glad you didn't get a fracture besides.

I second Johnny's opinion concerning modern American healthcare. In this case, the goodnes J&E shine was reflected back onto them, but far too many of us are not so fortunate.


alicia marie said...

i feel your pain...not really, I've never had a sprain that bad before...OUCH!!! I love your pain face picture...looks alot like the one from my post about my tattoo.

Joel + Sarah said...
