Monday, June 11, 2007

It's getting hot down here.

Our Summer Arts Camp is up and running. We are having a blast but between the heat and the 45 students enrolled we are very tired. Things seem more in control this year. I can see a lot of maturity in the staff. We have really been focusing on stepping back and letting others lead which has been a great thing. I see young leaders stepping up as they are given more responsibility which is pretty encouraging.

Our days consist of a variety of activities including, swimming, photography, baking, gardening, going to the library, singing funny songs, playing basketball, dancing, singing, learning to play piano, studying for the up coming spelling bee, and of coarse kick ball.

On evenings and weekends we've been hanging out with new friends Brad, Sage, Joe, and Elli. Its nice to have a crew of like minded yet unique people to encourage and challenge us.
Emily on the train they call the City of New Orleans

Johnny and his mustache getting mocked


Anonymous said...

miss you guys. glad its going well. johnny, if i was there... i might be mocking the stache along with them. ;) Emily, miss you my dear and hope you got everything you needed. let me know how you are... in all that free time you have. ;)

love you lots,

Unknown said...

New Blue Blockers?

Johnny said...

i wish

Anonymous said...

hi guys! i'm bringing my church's youth group down to work with the foundation! hope to see you and the kids!! we're leaving friday! see you soon!
katie ernst

Anonymous said...

You've been on my mind Katie! The kids wrote you letters and drew pictures months ago and then it all got lost:( But your name continues to come up often. Much of your class last year is back this summer--they'll love to see you!!!