Friday, July 01, 2005

Camp Photos

Damien (left) and his Uncle Jeremiah (right) enjoy snowcones from the snack shack

We've been working on our "end of year" dance routine for the parents night bbq. Think Napolean Dynamite

more zoo fun

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Let the justice roll down when the people with the freedom-know-how roll down into the south from the contexualized coffee and beer sweating town that ran away from them, because it said "go, they need you there now for a while or so." Break the walls of racism that plagues the hearts and minds of people doing what they were told. Shead light on their darkened faces; it's not like I'm not darkened in other areas though. We all need people to come down to our state from another state and show us a different way than we know here. Peace!