Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Photo Journal

We've had 2 visitors from Portland this week, Emily's brother Julian and our friend Sharon who has been doing hurricane relief work in New Orleans. This is a photo of them at the Antioch house table with our housemate Teddy.

Needless to say with Julian around, there has been a bit a golf taking place. On Saturday we played about 40 holes.

On Monday morning we were up early with high hopes of catching our first bass. A local friend named Eric took us out to his secret pond/marsh where he has a little boat with a slow leak. His family owns the property so it doesnt get fished at all. When the morning was all said and done Eric caught 4, Julian and I combined for a big fat zero. Julian missed about 7 hits and I missed about 2. It was a great morning though with a spectacular sunrise. Eric said that there are 2 gators living the marsh but we never did caught a glimpse.


Anonymous said...

Why isn't SG sitting with you? Different tables for men and women? Nice to see J with you, I miss you all so much. Sun River, Sun River, Sun River! Got off a little early today, so checked your blog and found all these pics I haven't seen. What's with the dust clound on your shot, JB? Hope you 3 have a relaxing weekend and can spoil yourselves a bit. Love you

Anonymous said...

Johnny you're getting better at "talkin' Mississippian" but I think it should be "we didn' caught no glimpse of 'em".
Dad B